BYOD Information Report
Wairakei School has 13 classrooms. One of these classes is a BYOD, Bring Your Own Device class and it caters for year 5/6 learners. All of the students in this class have their own iPad's which they bring to school each day. This is a great class for children who love to learn digitally.
At this stage the BYOD class is a trial and is being tested with the Apple iPad. iPad Minis are permitted for use as well as iPad 2 and iPad Air. A list of required apps was given to each student accepted in this class at the beginning of the year. The children's iPads were expected to have the required apps which help to assist their learning. On top of this, some good educational learning apps were recommended.
There are many benefits for the children in this class. Students now have the ability to communicate with their classmates using their school email addresses. They also have their own blogs which they are expected to update weekly. These blogs are used to share their learning and ideas with the world. They were more restricted from doing this in other classes. Having their work on their iPads also allows them to extend their learning and do extra practice at home. This is especially good for children who feel they need that extra little bit of practice or extension.
It was agreed that the pupils in this class would be responsible for their own devices. At break times the iPads are locked away in tote trays and are not to be used unless permission is given. Cases needed to be provided to protect their devices. Other accessories like keyboards are optional. Students also agreed to be responsible for their digital footprint and to make sure everything they put on the internet is appropriate. Any inappropriate posts on their blogs or the like, would be removed by the class teacher.
The BYOD class is proving to be an enjoyable way for children to learn. As stated earlier it is currently on trial but the school will look at creating more BYOD classes if it shows to improve the way children learn.