Friday, 8 August 2014

Onomatopoeia Poems

Oink! Honk! Smash! Crack! Onomatopoeia is a type of poetry which includes sound words that sound how they are spelled. This term at school we are learning about poetry as well as writing lots of our own poems. Onomatopoeia is the first type of poetry we explored, coming up with lots of different sound words such as ping, thwack and squelch. Here is a little onomatopoeia poem of my own! Listen to it and see what different sound words you can hear!


  1. Hi Sophie!

    I liked how the poem had some onomatopoeia on every second line. It reminds me of a poem I did in room 7 about going to school. Do you have a favourite sons word?

    1. Thanks Leo! I like lots of sound words but one of my favourites is 'THWACK!'.

  2. Great poem Sophie. One of my favourite words is tinkle bescause it really sounds like the word it is!

    1. Thanks Mr B! I like tinkle too but as you may have seen one of my most favourite sound words is 'THWACK'!
